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What is CBG? (Cannabigerol)

In this post we want to explain what CBG is, where to find it, what are its benefits and why is it so important.

Cannabinoids that come from plants are called phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids are formed by the human body. CBG is one of the 70 types (more or less) of phytocannabinoids identified in cannabis plants. Other well-known ones are THC and CBD.

cbg structure

CBG is the Mother of Cannabinoids

It’s called “the mother of all cannabinoids” because it is the first cannabinoid that cannabis plants produce and all other cannabis cannabinoids come from CBG.

It is as a matter of fact the one in charge of generating THC and CBD.

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, a reputable cannabis professor, discovered and identified CBG in 1964.

CBGA (its acid version), was discovered 10 years later. Why is this relevant? Well, it’s acid version forms THCA and CBDA when the plant is still alive, which are THC and CBD acid versions. This means that once the grow has been harvested, during the curing and drying process, acid cannabinoids turn into their non-acid version during the decarboxylation process.

The higher THC and CBD are, the lower CBG levels will be. This happens with the vast majority of cannabis plants, where CBG levels don’t go above 0,1%. Nowadays growers are working in obtaining CBD-rich strains because latest research shows the huge medicinal and beneficial properties of this cannabinoid. Although there are also plenty of benefits found in THC, the main difference is that THC has psychoactive effects while CBG doesn’t.

Therapeutic Benefits and Properties of CBG

Now we are going to talk about CBG’s medicinal properties. As mentioned above, there are two types of cannabinoids: phytocannabinoids (plants) and endocannabinoids (human body). 

The human body’s endocannabinoid system is in charge of regulating neurons that affect basic physiological functions such as appetite, humor, pain, etc. CB1 and CB2 are the only receptors discovered so far. Those receptors are in charge of achieving homeostasis (equilibrium in the body) by receiving and adjusting endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids.

Having these aspects clear will be a lot easier to understand the multiple ways in which CBG can be helpful and get to know its multiple benefits.

It could have anti-cancer properties:

A cancer investigation performed in 2009 gave some hope to colon cancer patients. According to the study, cannabigerol could slow down and even stop tumor growth altogether thus prolonging their lives.

It has a pain-relieving effect

Cannabigerol relieves pain in patients that have multiple sclerosis or tumors.  Combined with other medicines it could significantly improve their quality of life.

It’s a neuroprotector

CBG could help control neuro-degenerative symptoms of some diseases that don’t have a cure like Alzheimer, Parkinson or Huntington’s disease, among others.

It’s anti-inflammatory

When Cannabigerol enters the human body, it directs itself to molecules in charge of inflammation, therefore it could be very helpful to treat Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease.

It relieves glaucoma

A study done in 1990 found out that CBG could stop intraocular pressure. Human eyes have endocannabinoid receptors, which makes them good Cannabigerol receptors. This way CBG could relieve eye pressure and dilate the eyes’ blood vessels while improving its drainage system.

It’s antibacterial and could be useful to treat skin infections

Skin has plenty of cannabinoid receptors, which would make CBG very useful to help ease skin conditions like psoriasis. It can also help beat SARM, an extremely resistant bacterial strain.

Helpful against depression and anxiety

THC is already well-known for its beneficial effects against certain mental conditions, but with CBG rich strains the obtained benefits will be very similar without any psychotropic effects. CBG works by increasing GABA neurotransmitters, which makes the brain less susceptible to anxiety or depression.

Increases appetite

Cannabigerol is well-known for increasing appetite in people that have conditions that decrease their appetite, like HIV, certain types of cancers, etc.

These are some examples of the potential benefits of CBG, but there are many more.

What Effects Does CBG Produce?

CBG has no psychotropic effects whatsoever. Unlike other cannabinoids like THC, this one doesn’t get you high but its consumption offers plenty of benefits. CBG relates to the endocannabinoid system without altering your mental faculties, therefore, it has no side effects.

Plants’ natural enzymes are in charge of turning CBGA into THCA, CBDA or any other acidic cannabinoid.

How to avoid that conversion? Researchers observed that plants with higher amounts of CBG have a recessive gene that makes CBGA be the main cannabinoid produced by the plant, stopping it from turning into THC or CBD.                 

CBG rich Strains

Now that you know what Cannabigerol is, you’ll probably want to know what strains contain this cannabinoid. At the moment, high in THC or CBD strains with very low CBG content (less than 0.1%) are relatively easy to come across, but there are ongoing studies towards creating CBD-rich strains.

Here are some examples:

Panakeia: This cannabis strain was created by Hemp Trading and Universtitat Politecnica of Valencia. It has more than 15% of CBG and no THC at all, which makes it a huge advancement in the realm of medicinal cannabis. Unfortunately, this strain is, for the moment, only distributed in the USA.

cbg panakeia

Santhica 27: Originally from France, this industrial strain was created with the sole objective of achieving a high concentration of CBG (1.5-2% and THC only 0.12%).

santhica cbg

White CBG: Oregon CBD is the creator of this American strain. It gives very good yields and grows at a good speed.                                        

white cbg


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Erik Collado Vidal

Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la industria del cannabis, sus experiencias y aprendizaje son la base del éxito de GB The Green Brand.

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