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How do Cannabis Associations in Spain Work?

Over the last few years cannabis dispensaries have been opening up all over the US and Canada, as well as cannabis associations. In Europe this movement is a bit slower, but there has been an increase in cannabis associations in Spain. These associations are areas in which you can buy your own cannabis, although the associations in the states offer edibles, tinctures, creams and all sorts of products; a more varied selection than cannabis associations in Spain.

These places allow their members to acquire and consume cannabis in a private setting, as long as they’re of legal age or, in many cases, over 21. These associations are non-profit, and any money generated goes back into the association for up-keep.

How to Cannabis Associations in Spain Work?How can I join a Cannabis Association in Spain?

Generally, many cannabis associations require members to be over 21 years in age, be a regular cannabis consumer (medically or recreationally), and you usually have to be sponsored by someone that’s already in the association so that they can vouch for you. The person that sponsors you takes on all responsibility for your actions within the association. You will probably be interviewed, and they usually require an annual subscription fee that varies from association to association; you’ll probably need to present ID such as a DNI, NIE or passport.

Depending on the association and region, some associations might require you to be a resident in the city or autonomic community in order to avoid cannabis tourism; many cannabis associations do not allow tourists in, although Barcelona has some associations that accept tourists. Some associations also need you to present a medical certificate that states that you have an illness that can benefit from cannabis treatment.

Is it legal?

The question of the legality of cannabis associations in Spain has been up for debate for years now, with Catalonia and the Basque country having the most associations in Spain and fighting the most to keep them open. Over the years many associations have been shut down by the police for not following certain rules needed to stay open; the cannabis acquired may only be sold and consumed inside the association itself and it cannot be brought outside as this implies drug trafficking. Also, if you are caught consuming in an association without a member’s card you will be kicked out and the association will most likely be investigated.

The more members in an association, the more the police tend to get interested; as soon as an association looks like it may be trafficking drugs (a member makes a profit off of the cannabis acquired there) the police may shut the entire organization down.

All of the money earned in the association must be put towards improving the association. Some associations sell weed they grow themselves, and other associations require that their members grow their own weed and consume it at the association.

There’s quite a legal loophole here, as it’s not quite clear if you can grow cannabis in Spain or not. According to the most recent laws, you can’t consume or grow cannabis in public or under the view of the public eye. This, in theory, means that growing and smoking cannabis is in theory legal as long as it’s private and for your own personal use. The plants must be hidden and their smell must not be noticeable.

How many cannabis associations are there in Spain?

According to the National Drug Plan, there are over 1,400 cannabis associations in Spain. Most of them are found towards the north, around Catalonia, where it’s estimated that there’s about 500 associations. There’s also a large amount of associations in the Basque country.

Over the last few years the Police in Spain have closed down many associations. Between 2010 and 2016 they went on a rampage and closed down associations all over the country; in 2015, an association was closed down in the Basque country and 290 members were charged with suspicion of drug trafficking.

There’s still a long ways to go in Spain before full legalization is a thing, and it’ll be a while before it’s a coffee shop paradise like Amsterdam.

With a quick google search you can find cannabis associations near you and try to join.

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Erik Collado

Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la industria del cannabis, sus experiencias y aprendizaje son la base del éxito de GB The Green Brand.

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