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Hash Eggs full of BHO

Hash Eggs full of BHOHash eggs full of BHO; the stoner’s Cadbury’s egg. This technique is amazingly fun to do and even more fun to smoke. These little hash eggs are very easy to make; all you need is some BHO and some hash. Of course, to make these things yourself you will need more material such as a BHO extractor, 0% impurity gas and a sieve for your weed’s hash.

You can make this recipe using dry hash or hash extracted using the ice and water method, but we recommend using dry hash has it will give the egg a harder consistence. The BHO that you use will need to be hard and consistent or else the egg itself will end up falling apart.

For the filling you’re going to need some top quality BHO, as the potency of the final product depends on the quality of the BHO. It needs to have a decent consistency, as if it’s completely liquid then everything will fall apart and if it’s too hard it will be difficult to break up for your joint.

Hash Eggs full of BHOThe BHO extraction should be done at a low temperature to conserve as much flavor as possible. You’ll need to do the extraction with gas and let the gas dissolve at room temperature, and once the product is accumulated you can heat it up a bit to get rid of the rest of the gas.

Hash Eggs full of BHODon’t go over 40ºC; the gas needs to be completely purged but you don’t want the final product to be too dry, hard but still malleable. Depending on external temperatures you’ll need to wait more or less time for the gas to leave the extraction at room temperature, but do NOT force it to evaporate using sunlight or heat. You need to place it on a Laboratory Hot Plate For BHO Purging at 40º during around 4 hours (depending on the quantity of resin) until bubbles stop coming up from the tray. If you scrape away at it every 20 or 30 minutes with a dabber, you’ll end up with nice opaque BHO that changes state; if you leave it without scraping it up it will be transparent. For breaking it up, opaque substances are best as it will come undone as if it were butter. If you make it transparent it will heat up and get sticky when you touch it with your fingers or it will either be too hard to do anything with.

Once it’s ready you’ll be able to tell; if you’ve scraped it up then the color will have changed and it will begin looking more like lard than oil. If you haven’t scraped then you’ll know because it will no longer stick to your fingers when you touch it – this doesn’t mean squishing it, just a light touch to see if it’s still sticky or not. That is when you’ll need to scrape it up and leave it on your silicon BHO mat.

Once this is done you’ll need to place your BHO in the desiccant and finish purging it with a vacuum pump. Remember, don’t apply heat, just leave it in the vacuum chamber until the wet-shiny color is gone and it dries up a bit. The time you’ll need to leave it there for varies depending on the size of the sample. For 7g you’ll need to leave it for around 3 days to completely dry it. If it weighs less you can calculate from 1-6 days, which is how long it took us to purge 25g.

To make the hash you’ll just need to freeze your buds or trimmings with resin. After 24 hours you’ll need to sieve it with one of the many systems that exist nowadays; you can use the Secret Shaker, Hash Shaker, and even a dry extraction Secret Box “washing machine” that will give you the most yield from your product. The basis of a decent BHO-filled hash extract is the hash you use to cover it, as it will be the visible part of your final product.

Once the hash extract is ready, then you need to make it into a single malleable cube or ball. You’ll need to press it while also applying heat so that it all sticks together and you can make the egg. You can use Silicon Mats for BHO so you don’t get any bits stuck to your skin. You can apply heat with your hands or you can use a heating plaque for just a few minutes.

Hash Eggs full of BHO

Now, you finally have the two pieces of the puzzle; it’s time to put them together. You’ll need to make your BHO into a little ball, depending on how big you want the egg to be. You can useHash Eggs full of BHO whatever proportions you want although it’s usually done with two parts hash and one part BHO. If you’ve done everything correctly and dried it properly then the consistency of the BHO should be perfect for your egg. Take the hash block and cover the BHO with it, like a chocolate covered almond. Your BHO filled hash eggs are officially ready!

If you want to have the best looking hash egg around, then you can use some leftover dry hash that hasn’t been pressed to sprinkle over the outside of your eggs. Apart from looking better and being more potent, this way you can place more than one egg in the same pack and they won’t get stuck to each other. This allows you to make the perfect sized eggs for single joints. Keep in mind that these eggs are extremely concentrated and potent, keep yourself hydrated and have some nice munchies nearby.

You can make the hash and BHO from the same weed or you can combine up to three strains in one joint; one for the BHO, one for the pressed hash, and one for the sprinkle of hash at the end. Comment down below and let us know if you’ve tried this, if you’d like to or if you have any suggestions; our team of experts will answer as soon as possible. Check out our Products to Extract Resin section, as it features some very handy items worth having.

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Erik Collado

Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la industria del cannabis, sus experiencias y aprendizaje son la base del éxito de GB The Green Brand.

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