Hash is the name given to a type of extract made with the resin or pollen that comes from cannabis flowers. CBD hash is similar to the traditional one, but in this case, it has high levels of cannabidiol, often higher than THC, although that depends on the chosen strain.
CBD Hash characteristics
In general, CBD hash has the same characteristics as THC-rich hash. The final product is resin or pollen extracted and pressed in a certain way to shape it. The color might vary depending on the strain chosen to create this precious product; it can range between brown, green, yellow or even red, if the flowers produce trichomes with that pigment.
Cannabis extraction methods have advanced a lot since early days. Nowadays, techniques are very focused on maximizing the material and wasting the least amount of flowers possible. The old fashion way consisted of rubbing the dry flowers with your hands, but nowadays, there are other more efficient alternatives such as using dry ice, water and ice or heat and pressure. Some extremely sophisticated methods include acoustic vibrations or static electricity.

Using actual methods will produce a final purer product. Once the resin is extracted, it is compacted into a brick shape, although you can also find balls, which is often the case with CBD hash.
While classic hash usually contains between 8 and 60 % of THC, CBD hash rarely surpasses 20-30 % of cannabidiol content. It is high enough in comparison to extracts made with hemp flowers.
CBD Therapeutic properties
CBD hash’s high cannabidiol levels make it a suitable option for therapeutic use. Although all the studies up until now are still in their preliminary phases, the results are promising.
Most researches suggest that CBD hash, or any product rich in cannabidiol, has health benefits.
- Analgesic. Its action is similar to ibuprofen. It relieves pain by acting directly on the nerve system.
- Anti-emetic. CBD induces serotonin liberation by interacting with the receptors in charge, thus, suppressing nausea.
- Anti-psychotic. CBD counteracts psychotic effects caused by THC. Its use to relieve psychosis is under research due to its capacity to block dopamine emitters, which are responsible of bouts in this medical condition.
- Anti Inflammatory. Suitable to relieve the symptoms of conditions that cause internal or external inflammation.
- Anxiolytic: Different studies have proven that CBD at the right dose is efficient against anxiety, stress and other pathologies related to mental health.
- Anti-tumor: It can be a great ally to stop cancer cells from reproducing; although in this case, CBD seems way more efficient in conjunction with THC.
CBD products, such as CBD hash, also have a neuroprotective effect and are efficient in neurodegenerative illnesses and neuronal conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, lung embolism, epilepsy, Alzheimer or schizophrenia, among others. However, further research is necessary to confirm these first pieces of evidence.
Legal uses of CBD Hash
In December 2020, the United Nations removed CBD from the Single Convention list on Narcotic Drugs of 1961; after the WHO admitted that it couldn’t be considered a drug as it doesn’t produce any psychotic effects and has plenty of medical benefits. Taking this into account and the fact that CBD products sold in Spain are required to have less than 0.2% of THC; it can be deduced that CBD hash is legal.
However, current Spanish regulations regarding cannabis aren’t all that clear. Although European regulations authorize the cultivation and commercialization of CBD (with THC levels within the legal limits), there have been cases where this law hasn’t been applied and all the plants have been considered as drugs without previously checking their THC levels.

National regulations regarding hemp state which strains are suitable for cultivation and what are their uses. Concretely, the Real Decreto 1729/1999 indicates the 25 industrial hemp strains suitable for cultivation and their specific uses. None of them mention consumption. The main ones are:
- Cosmetics
- Crops intended for investigation and learning purposes.
- Material for organic construction
- Material destined for phytoremediation in polluted areas.
- As organic manure
- Unfinished products destined to the craft industry and other related activities
- Horticultural crops
However, there is no mention of CBD, its commercialization or production anywhere, including CBD hash. From this, our assumption is that it is legal; or that it fits into another category with other current regulations for similar products.
Then, is CBD hash legal in Spain or not?
At the moment, no grow shop, or any other type of business in Spain, can legally sell CBD hash intended for consumption; despite numerous studies that prove its amazing therapeutic effects and nearly null secondary effects. However, its selling is legal as long as it has less than 0.2 % of THC; and intended only for collection purposes or ornamental use.