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Cannabis Burgers

Cannabis burgers bring a fun spin to an already classic meal; have fun with your friends and enjoy some cannabis burgers, just be careful with how much you have! When ingested, cannabis takes much longer to show any effects than when you smoke it, and if you get impatient and eat more than you should you could end up feeling extremely sick. Cooking can be fun and it can be even more fun to enjoy the results, especially when they come packed with some amazing psychoactive effects, so stay patient and don’t eat more than the recommended portion.

Today we’re going to cook some delicious cannabis beef burgers. First, we’re going to give you a list of ingredients and then we’ll explain how to prepare this extremely simple, delicious and fast recipe.

Cannabis BurgersIngredients:

  • 400gr of minced beef
  • Flour
  • 1 small chopped onion
  • Bread crumbs
  • Cannabis Burgers2 eggs
  • 4-6gr of ground up cannabis buds
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


First, place the meat, onion, buds and one egg in a bowl and mix it all together until it’s nice and even. Once thoroughly mixed, sprinkle some salt in it and begin grabbing bits of meat to make the burger shapes. Next, you’ll need to prepare three different plates; one with the flour, one with the other egg, whisked, and another with the bread crumbs. Grab your shaped burgers and pass them through each plate in this order; flour, egg and then the bread crumbs. Next, fry them up in the pan with some olive or vegetable oil.

Cannabis BurgersOnce the burgers are well done or however you’d like them to be, they’re ready to be served with potatoes, some veggies or just like a normal burger; burger buns, cheese, bacon and lettuce. There are hundreds of possible combinations! Comment down below which one you tried out and let us know if it was nice!Cannabis Burgers

Author: Ana Ibañez

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Erik Collado

Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la industria del cannabis, sus experiencias y aprendizaje son la base del éxito de GB The Green Brand.

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