The use of coconut is becoming increasingly popular every day, as with minimal knowledge, it is very easy to manage. Growing in coconut is a midpoint between growing in soil and hydroponics. This way, you get the great advantages of both growing methods. Therefore, there is a growing demand for the best coconut fiber products. To learn more about them, here we tell you everything you need to know about them.
List of the best coconut fiber products
Some of the best coconut fiber products you can find are the following:
Coconut substrates
The coconut fiber substrates are a type of substrate that is usually inert, meaning it doesn’t contain any added fertilizers, so you know exactly what the plants are feeding on. It has a greater water absorption capacity, so it needs to be watered more frequently than soil and can easily accommodate higher doses of nutrients.

Coco Mix Boom Professional Coco Substrate
If you overdo it with the nutrient dose, you won’t need to worry much because, with more frequent watering, it will correct itself almost automatically. It also has the advantage that unlike soil, it doesn’t get compacted when wet, allowing roots to grow freely, giving the plant extra size.
Coconut bricks
The coconut bricks, on the other hand, work similarly to the substrate, but they come in 10 L packages fully compressed and dehydrated, which when mixed with water will multiply their size up to 5 times. Mix with 2 or 3 liters of distilled water and wait about 30 minutes. These bricks are a great advantage to bring home without drawing attention, unlike a sack.
Coconut slabs
The coconut slabs are a unique and revolutionary way of growing that yields excellent results especially for cuttings. They have their own special pots, and you only need to place the bag in the pot and make the necessary holes, which are marked on the bag. This is a great advantage because by not removing the substrate from the bag, everything stays much cleaner and more organized.
Since they don’t retain any water, they need to be watered with a drip system, as you would need to be watering 2 or 3 times a day. The water flow must be very gentle and not clog anywhere because if water accumulates inside the bag, you could lose all the plants inside.
Coconut jiffy
Growing with coconut jiffy became popular about 10 years ago, gaining more and more followers thanks to the good results it offers. When it gets wet, it will swell up to three times its size. Therefore, it should be squeezed by hand until it drains all the water and remains damp. They can retain water strongly, and what we want is for it to be damp, not wet, as it could rot the seed. They also give very good results with cuttings, as they help with rooting.
Fertilizers for coconut fiber
Coconut substrates are compatible with most fertilizers. More and more brands are launching their own lines of fertilizers dedicated to coconut. Some of the ones you can find are:
- Complexes like Coco A+B from Plagron can be found in almost all brands, so they work perfectly in both growth and flowering. They provide all the nutrients that the substrate does not have but are essential for our plants. The dosage should be adjusted weekly, according to the plant’s needs at each stage.
- Hesi Coco, a powerful fertilizer for coconut substrates, will work for all plant processes. It is fully compatible with any other fertilizer, but using its own range will give the best results. Hesi Coco
- Atami offers two strong flowering stimulators, such as the Coco Bloom Stimulator and the Coco Booster Universal. When combined with their A+B Complex, you will see the best results with this prestigious brand. Start with the A+B Complex from the second week of growth and continue until the last watering.
- Advanced Nutrients has its version of Big Bud, the Big Bud for Coconut, containing additional minerals and iron not found in the soil version. This flowering stimulator is one of the most well-known and used by growers, so they had to create a specific version for coconut. Two weeks before flowering begins, start with this stimulator, which precedes finishing with the Overdrive from Advanced Nutrients. This way, you will achieve the best results, as this complex is one of the most complete and powerful on the market.
- Soil Coco Boom A+B from Boom Nutrients is a fertilizer specially designed to meet the nutritional needs of marijuana plants during the flowering stage. It is suitable for both pure coconut fiber crops and peat mixtures, without causing incompatibilities.
All these coconut fiber products and fertilizers for coconut improve cultivation, achieving unique results and maximizing plant performance.